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You will have so many benefits from choosing to learn NLP. 

Despite the fact that you will have a new set of skills, tools and resources which you can use in a multitude of contexts, you will have a whole heap of fun, make new friends for life, and be introduced into a support network of like-minded people who are all committed to personal development, learning and helping people. 

Many things can change when you choose to learn NLP, so it is important right now that we remind you that fundamentally we have one goal.... TO HELP YOU GET MORE OF WHAT YOU WANT AND LESS OF WHAT YOU DON'T WANT



We promise to respect you, and your model of the world, to honour where you are at now, and where you will be in the future.

It is not for us to MAKE you change, we simply provide encouragement, ideas and a bunch of clever tools, resources and processes to make the process easier for you.


We will support you throughout the course, and we hope beyond, and will be your greatest cheerleaders. 


We will give you 100% of our attention, and ask you to continually give us feedback about where you are.

We will respect your confidentiality at all times. 




We believe that the world is evolving right now, and humanity is going through a rapid period of growth. You can see this all around you in our understanding of science and technology. We believe that human consciousness is the next part of the journey. 


Imagine this. Humans have been around for relatively little time on this planet. In the entirety of human history, which is but a fraction of the age of the earth, we have achieved more in the last 50 years or so. 


We've made it off the planet and into space

We've learned how to communicate with EVERYONE on the planet

We've developed medicines which have eradicated diseases that once blighted humanity
We've learned to tap the power of the atom and have discovered the fundamental fabric that holds the universe together

And yet, the race is still engaged in some very strange things...violence, hate, intolerance, bigotry are all rife on the planet. 

The next stage of our evolution is in consciousness. It's already begun. NLP is a step on the journey. In saying "YES" you are choosing to open yourself up to some of the newest ideas about where we are going next and how, as a species, WE ARE EVOLVING....



We are always overjoyed when someone says YES to NLP training. We know you will get out of it something so radical and transforming that your life will NEVER be the same again. 

"...I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it....."


Artist and Genius

So before you click on the button below to register your interest, make sure you are 100% committed to choosing to evolve in new and exciting ways. Don't even consider it until you are ready to make a change in your life, and in doing so, are prepared to inspire and help others to get the most from their lives.....


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