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This is the bit that gets a bit potty at times... 
When people ask us to explain "so what's this Quantum stuff about then" it makes us laugh, because the real answer lies in the limitless potential of a subatomic universe which behaves in ways so strange and weird that even the worlds greatest scientific minds don't fully understand it. 

But let's have a pop and see if we can explain a bit in just a few lines of text....

We human beings like things to be ordered. 

We like to have meaning, to understand the purpose behind actions and consequences. We use our language to communicate and convey our meanings to others. 

The thing is that it's fundamentally flawed. Our language only works on a very basic level, and can never quite capture our real experiences. 

For example, try to describe your last holiday to someone who has never been there. They will probably see a picture of it in their mind, but it won't be correct, no matter how accurate your description. 

Quantum Psychology allows us to get round our fundamentally flawed language, and helps us to process information in "the void", which is the space where we go when we are coming up with new strategies and creative ideas. 

Noetics is the study of human consciousness, and an attempt to explain whether Noetics can actually physically affect the world around it, or behave in a non-local way. In times gone by, some of these experiments were done by Parapsychologists, who were mostly regarded as "quacks" by the rest of the scientific community. 

The problem was that the evidence they started turning up was astonishing, and has shocked the scientific community.... 





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